The team bravely set off in the cold wind and rain this morning. Thank you to Malcolm Westmore for the best coffee ever - it has been much appreciated, especially on a chilly day like today. Paul's performance was phenomenal today as he kept up an incredible rhythm- at one stage maintaining a consistant 38km/hr for a distance of 20km! He also succumbed to a burst of energy as he and Dave set a new tour speed record of 77km/hr (without even trying - or so they claim!) The cold wind turned out to be a great blessing as it was a tail wind assisting our riders along the 135km that they cycled today.
A great big THANK YOU for the donations, sponsorships, and pledges that have been received so far that continue to make all this so worthwhile! If you are interested, donations towards this cause can be made to:The Kidzpositive Family Fund, Nedbank, Salt River, Branch code:102-109, Universal Code: 198-765, Account number: 1021 275 743 Reference: “Peddie”.
Go Paul Go , keep peddling through rain wind and snow (heaven forbid) . Thinking of you all on your trip while I sit comfortably at home , Regards Theresa
ReplyDeleteMost impressive!! what a team. Hoping for better weather for you today. Also how is the support team faring? Kate